Thursday, October 1, 2020

                                    Wilson Motivational

   Pithy Positive Thoughts to Ponder
                October 2020
Positive thinking will let you do 
everything better than negative 
thinking will.
Zig Ziglar
Your present circumstances don't 
determine where you can go; 
they merely determine where 
you start.
Regardless of who you are or 
what you have been, you can 
be what you want to be.
W. Clement Stone
.Worry never robs tomorrow 
of its sorrow, it only saps today 
of its joy.
Leo Buscaglia
A smile is a curve that sets 
everything straight.
Phyllis Diller
If you smile when no one else 
is around, you really mean it.
Andy Rooney
There is little difference in 
people, but that little difference 
makes a big difference. The 
little difference is attitude. The 
big difference is whether it is 
positive or negative.
W. Clement Stone
Our attitude towards others 
determines their attitude 
towards us.  

Earl Nightingale
Go for it...

Saturday, August 1, 2020

eNewsletter August 2020

           Wilson Motivational
        Pithy Positive Thoughts to Ponder
                        August 2020
                   In Memory of
              Zig Ziglar (1926 - 2012)
      Some of Zig's inspirational Quotes
If you aim at nothing. 
You will hit every time! 
Zig Ziglar
You can have anything you want if you 
help enough other people get what 
they want. 
Zig Ziglar
Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.
Zig Ziglar
Remember that failure is an event, 
not a person.
Zig Ziglar
Money isn't the most important 
thing in life, but it's reasonably 
close to oxygen on the "gotta 
have it" scale.
Zig Ziglar
You don't have to be great to start, 
but you have to start to be great. 
Zig Ziglar
We all need a daily checkup 
from the neck up to avoid 
stinkin' thinkin' which ultimately 
leads to hardening of the attitudes. 
Zig Ziglar
Go for it...
Published by Wilson Motivational 
The Real JimWilson
Personal Development and
Business Coaching
Motivational Speaking

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Ant and the Grasshopper



This one is a little different ...

Two Different Versions ... 

Two Different Morals




The ant works 
hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.


The grasshopper 
thinks the 
ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.


Come winter, the ant is warm 
and well fed.


The grasshopper has 
no food or shelter, so he 
dies out in the cold.




Be responsible for yourself!





The ant works hard 
in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter.


The grasshopper thinks the ant 
is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.


Come winter, the shivering grasshopper 
calls a press conference and demands to know why the 
ant should be 
allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving..



and ABC show up to 
provide pictures of the shivering 
next to a video of the 
in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. 

America is stunned by the sharp contrast.


How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper 
is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears 
with the 
and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green'

Occupy the Anthill stages 
a demonstration in front of the 
ant's house where the news stations film the

Black Lives Matter group singingWe shall overcome.


Then Reverend Al Sharpton  
has the group kneel down to pray for the 
while he damns the ants. He later appears on MSNBC to complain that rich people do not care.


Former President Obama condemns the ant 
and blames 

Donald Trump, President Bush 43, President Bush 41, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the 

for the 


Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer   

exclaim in an interview on The View 
that the 
ant has 
gotten rich off the back of the 

and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.


Finally, the EEOC drafts 

the Economic Equity & 

Anti-Grasshopper Act 
retroactive to the beginning of 
the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number 
green bugs and, 
having; nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the

Government Green Czar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and given to the grasshopper.


The story ends as we see the grasshopper 
and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the 
ant's food while the government house he is in, 

which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, 
crumbles around them because the 
grasshopper doesn't maintain it.


The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.


The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken 
over by a gang of 
spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood.


The entire Nation collapses 
bringing the rest 
of the free world with it.




Be careful how you vote in 2020.




Saturday, February 28, 2015

Only one thought at a time - Make it positive!


Can you see the Young Woman?
Can you see the Older Woman?

Bet you can't see them both at the same time.

Read on!

How about Thoughts and feelings at the same time?

Our minds cannot think of two thoughts simultaneously. It physically cannot be done.
For example, you cannot think about picking your daughter up from a soccer game and what to fix for dinner at the same time. The reality is your mind is switching back and forth between the two very dissimilar thoughts. You might feel that they are inter-related (your daughter will be hungry when she gets home) and that you are thinking two different thoughts.

But consider this: your feelings follow your thoughts and you cannot physically feel more than one feeling at a time.

You cannot be happy and sad at the same time. You cannot be loving and angry at the same time. It simply cannot be done.
It may feel like you are thinking more than one thought or feeling more than one feeling at a time … in fact, sometimes it feels like millions – doesn’t it?

Your feelings follow your thoughts. So if you think it, chances are good that you’ll feel it. And sometimes your feelings will lead you to do something that’s self destructive or bad for you.

But, here’s the good newsYou can shift this pattern by hitting the “stop” button as soon as you think the thought. You can put on the brakes before your thought turns into a feeling which turns into a reaction which starts the downward spiral of self-destruction.

In the beginning it may be difficult to “catch” the thought before it becomes a feeling. But with practice you will soon recognize when your brain is going someplace you’d rather not be.
You will begin to find your “reset” button and when a negative thought crops up, you can rewind your thoughts to something positive, fun and loving. When you do this often enough, your old habitual patterns will dissolve and your new way of thinking will create new patterns of behavior.

Why not just do it?

Author Vickie Griffith -

Coach Sez -
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.
Check out
E-mail - 

Do You talk to yourself?????

Do you talk to yourself?

Did you know the human brain averages 65,000 thoughts a day?

And most people have the same 65,000 thoughts the next day. Here's something else to chew on. Brain scientists determined there is a portion of our brain called the "Reticular Activating System". It's a fancy term for software in our head which focuses our attention on what you ask it to.

Example: Quickly look around you and count how many blue objects you can see. Without looking again tell many red objects did you see? My guess is you counted the blue...and you drew a blank with the reds.

This is an experiment that helps prove if someone is focused on failure...the brain starts showing them more failure. So if people aren't changing their thoughts...their brain is pulling them towards the same thing day in and day out. A big success secret is learning how to control your thoughts.

Manage the little voice in your head with positives.


Coach Sez -
Are you making this your best year ever?
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Elephants Don't Bite

It's not the big things that get you.
It's the little things. The Gnats, Mosquitoes, and no see'um.

If you are not taking a look at the small details, you could be doing yourself a dis-service.

Have you noticed lately how you smile or don’t smile? Your tone of voice, charged up or charged down? The first impression you make with your style of clothing? How you greet people—the handshake, saying their name or introducing yourself? Remembering their face or the last time you talked?

All important and yet small details. However, these small details define you, your personal brand, your ability to create and build relationships and ultimately your success!

If you don’t:
1. have the business success you want
2. have the network you want
3. have the clients/customers you want
4. have the friends you want
5. have the support/resource system you want
6. have the financial success you want

it may be because you are not taking care of the small details. Many entrepreneurs hate to deal with the small details and this is their downfall. You must remember what Darrell Royal said, “you gotta dance with who brung ya.” And, it’s usually the small steps, the small details, the nuances of body language.

Now is the time to focus and be a better you.

Coach Sez -
Are you ready to get started...
Let me help you get to the next level of performance.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thoughts about Goal setting for 2015

 A thinking document to prepare you to begin to set next year's Life and Business Goals.

Tomorrow I will work on my Goals for 2015.

But, today I am going to be brutally honest and review my 2015 results answering the following…
  • How did I do against my personal mission?                            "To live a balanced lifestyle that will allow me to fully appreciate and love my family, friends, and work; to develop a healthy body, mind and spiritual consciousness that will allow me to have fun, be happy and to live to at least 100; and, through Wilson Motivational help others become energized to find their way to personal and professional success.” April 1998 
Some specific questions…
  • Did I spend more or less time with the people I love ... my family and friends?
  • Did I make more money?
  • Did my net worth grow or shrink?
  • Did I travel as much as I wanted?
  • Did I have more free time?
  • Did I reduce or eliminate any *debt*?
  • Did my lifestyle expand ... or shrink?
A Challenge to you…

Why not go over your mission and the specific questions as they apply to you?

When you are ready - go for it! Set your life and business goals for 2015!

Need some thinking help about next year's goals?  

Let me know if I can help?

The Real JimWilson

Monday, November 28, 2011

Out, Out Damn Procrastination

Use this "Round Tuit" to GET READY TO make 2012 the best ever. 

Print out the 10 Ideas and work on each one as listed!

10 ideas to put into practice.

1. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Break larger projects into manageable "bites" and create a timeline for you to accomplish these smaller tasks.

2. Remember that each project expands to the time allotted to it, so set a limit for yourself: "I am going to return all my phone calls in one hour." "I will file papers for 30minutes." "I will spend 15 minutes picking up around the house." Set a timer. You will be amazed how much you can get done when you focus your time.

3. Check your self-talk. Do you frequently say, "I gotta...," "I should...," or "I have to..."? Replace this self-talk with "I choose to..." and recognize that you are at choice about what you do. If you don't choose to do it, don't do it!

4. Eat a live toad first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Worth a look at Brian Tracey's ideas --
Tackle that "toad"-the task you have been putting off, the one that is hanging over your head-because it will lift an immense load and you will feel much more productive.

5.Train yourself to trim the F.A.T. When papers come into your office or home, give yourself these three choices: File, Act, Toss. (Note that "I'll just put it here for now "is not one of the choices.)

6. Relieve yourself of the stress caused by all of the clutter in your home and office by setting up some systems to manage the paper in your life. A good filing system and a tickler file system are essential elements.

7. Make a weekly appointment with yourself to plan your coming week. During your planning session, schedule important activities and tasks so you have a concrete plan for following through with your intentions.

8. When planning your time, include both urgent (time-sensitive) and non-urgent but important activities in your plan. An example of an urgent activity might be a meeting or a project with an upcoming deadline. A non-urgent activity might be exercise or relationship-building-something important but not time-sensitive or deadline-driven.

9. Make appointments with yourself to get administrative work done, such as paying bills or catching up with your reading. Treat this time as you would an appointment with someone else.

10. Take 15 minutes at the end of each day to put things away and look at the calendar for the next day. Gather what you need ahead of time so you will be prepared for tomorrow.

Go for the gold.

Make lots of great days in 2012.

Coach Sez -
Make 2012 the best year ever.
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk.
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Power of Discipline

Motivation gets the job going, but, it’s discipline that gets the job done!
No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined.
~Harry E. Fosdick

Self-discipline and self-motivation are joined at the hip.
Why is that?
When you practice self-discipline you feel like you are in control of your life.
You feel content and motivated because you're moving toward your goals.
Brian Tracey in his book - The Power of Discipline writes...
“Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people make more money, live happier lives and accomplish much more in the same number of years than the great majority?

I started out in life with few advantages. I did not graduate from high school. I worked at menial jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.

And then I began asking, "Why are some people more successful than others?" This question changed my life.

Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement. It seems that the reasons for these accomplishments have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every conceivable way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline. As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, Success is tons of discipline."

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
Jim Rohn


Coach Sez - 
Make 2011 the best year ever.

Let me help you get to the next level with
Self Discipline.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk 
about how I can help you get more of what you 
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Being a better you.

Howdy Doody sez...

Begin your day by choosing to be a Better You.

Choose to be ENERGETIC—instead of permitting yourself to become run-down and burned-out.

Choose to be PASSIONATE—instead of permitting yourself to become apathetic and indifferent.

Choose to be ENTHUSIASTIC—instead of permitting yourself to become half-hearted and discouraged.

Choose to be SELF-DIRECTED—instead of permitting yourself to become directionless and

Choose to be PREPARED—instead of permitting yourself to become shortsighted and reactive.

Choose to be FOCUSED—instead of permitting yourself to become scattered and impulsive.

Choose to be SUPPORTIVE—instead of permitting yourself to become critical and judgmental.

Choose to be SYSTEMATIC—instead of permitting yourself to become haphazard and disorganized.

Choose to be TIMELY—instead of permitting yourself to become distracted and preoccupied.

Choose to be PROACTIVE—instead of permitting yourself to become procrastinating and hesitant.


When Was The Last Time You Had Any Fun? One great way to cultivate an energetic attitude is to be sure you enjoy what you do. Look for things that are fun to do, and find new ways to have fun at what you're already doing.
Smile and laugh as much as possible. Instead of lunch, why not go to recess?

"An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?"
~ Michel De Saint-Pierre

Coach Sez -
Make 2011 the best year ever.

Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Human Mind. What a force!

Revisiting some of Dr. Napoleon Hill's teachings. Gr8 stuff for mind meditation.
Make a minute to think about Dr. Hill's words.
Napoleon Hill 

Dr. Hill states:
Strange and imponderable, indeed, are the powers of the human mind.

The only provable fact one may know concerning the power of the mind is that each individual mind is but a tiny projection of Infinite Intelligence, whose source is the great reservoir of Intelligence that keeps the stars and planets afloat in space, in their accustomed places, and binds together the infinitesimal portions of the atoms of matter.

The main principle taught by Hill is that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve, regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past, or how lofty your aims and hopes may be. You do this by learning to control and direct your mind.

A friend...
Andrew Carnegie a friend of Hill explained that everyone is born with the equivalent of two sealed envelopes, each of which is labeled as follows:

  1. “The Riches You May Enjoy If You Take Possession of Your Own Mind and Direct It to Ends of Your Own Choice”
  2. “The Penalties You Must Pay If You Neglect to Take Possession of Your Mind and Direct It”
The envelope labeled “Riches” contains this list of blessings if you take possession of your mind and direct it toward achieving your goals:
Sound health.
Peace of mind.
A labor of love of your own choice.
Freedom from fear and worry.
A positive mental attitude.
Material riches of your own choice and quantity.

The envelope labeled “Penalties” contains this list of the prices one must pay for neglecting to take possession of one’s own mind:

Ill health.
Fear and worry.
Indecision and doubt.
Frustration and discouragement throughout life.
Poverty and want.
And a whole flock of evils consisting of envy, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred and superstition.

What you think?
Believe it and you will see it, says Dr Wayne Dyer!!!!!

Coach Sez -
Make 2011 the best year ever.

Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Friday, June 24, 2011


Go for it -  Read on!

Beyond Positive Thinking

By Arnold Fox, M. D. & Barry Fox, Ph.D.
Beyond Positive Thinking
Doctors cannot cure 90% of our ailments, for these are problems of "thought disease," of psychoneuroimmunology, problems that begin with our negative thoughts and negative actions. The cure is to give ourselves a spiritual tune-up. Like any other engine, the human engine must be kept running smooth. How do we do this? With good eating, good exercise, good living and good thinking.
We must replace every weak thought with a strong every negative thought with a positive one, every hateful thoughts with a loving one, and every sad thought with a joyful one.
Are our thoughts so important? Well, our thoughts become our words, our-words become our actions, our actions become our habits and our habits become our character. From thoughts to character, from thoughts to biochemistry, from thoughts to health or disease, the pathway is clear.
Marcus Aurelius wrote: "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it."
Napoleon Hill summed it up when he said: "Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Source: Beyond Positive Thinking. Arnold Fox, M. D. & Barry Fox, Ph.D. The Napoleon Hill Foundation. Pgs. 201 & 202.

Coach Sez -
Make 2011 the best year ever.
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk.
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Thursday, June 16, 2011

30 second Networking Commercial

This is not baby talk.
I ask you, does your 30 second personal commercial get your message across to your prospective clients?
How is this one?
I am Jim Wilson, the Real JimWilson, Wilson Motivational. I help other people get more of what they want out of life. I am a personal development and Business Coach.
Would you like to be more successful?  Say you bet'ca.
Would you like to have more fun and love in your life?  Say you bet'ca.
Would you like to make more money?  Say you bet'ca.
 If you said you bet'ca to any one of those three questions, I can help you.

Call or email me, and I will meet you at one of my local Panera Bread Offices and we can start the coaching process.

Jim Wilson - the Real JimWilson

Coach Sez - 
Are you making 2011 the best year ever.
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk.
about how I can help you get more of what you 
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Friday, April 15, 2011

Success comes in a "Can".

"Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities -- always see them, for they're always there. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

If you could bottle the positivity of Dr. Peale or Robert Schuller, the Number 1 Possibilitarian in the world, you would see life in an entirely different light.
Possibility thinking is better than impossibility thinking for one simple reason: When you think something is impossible, you tend to STOP.

Thus, a lack of ACTION becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy of FAILURE.
This is not PHILOSOPHY. It's PHYSICS: A body at rest tends to remain at rest.

But when you believe something is POSSIBLE, you will pursue it with PASSION and zeal... taking ACTION in spite of fear, uncertainty and doubt. Which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of SUCCESS!
Because a body in motion tends to remain in motion.

It is your ATTITUDE that keeps your BODY in MOTION!

No question, consistently maintaining a positive, potential-driven attitude (while difficult for many) is a major element of long-term success.

Without it, you are defeated before you even get started.
With it, you will persist with passion and enthusiasm until you succeed or find a better way.
Do you have the self-confidence and inner-drive to put your performance into over-drive?
A positive, powerful and uplifting attitude not only makes it easier to achieve your goals—it makes it fun!

Without a POSITIVE and PROACTIVE ATTITUDE, you are just spinning your wheels, confusing effort with results.

Believe it!  Success does come in a "can" do!

Coach Sez -
Make 2011 the best year ever.
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk.
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
E-mail -

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coaching for the Coach-able

Are you Coach-able?

To be Coach-able means to be...


To be Coach-able means to lack arrogance and defensiveness… to minimize pride and ego. The best professionals at all levels (and in most fields) use coaching to help improve their success factor.

Think about it.


  1. Everything changes and ends.
  2. Life is not always fair.
  3. Things do not always go according to plan.
  4. Pain is a part of life.
  5. People are not loving and loyal all the time.
Are you ready to meet me at one of my Panera Bread offices in Richmond and talk about how I can help you get more of what you want out of life?

I’m available for a “get to know” each other session. It won’t cost you anything but time. I’ll buy the coffee. It will be fun!

A recommendation...
I can not say enough about Jim.
Jim helped me get on the right track when the business of the day seemed overwhelming at times. If you are having those deer in the head light moments, and are not sure which way to turn... Give Jim a call”

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity
Tim Hipp,
hired Jim as a Business Consultant.

Coach Sez -
Make 2011 the best year ever.
Let me help you get to the next level.
Meet me at a Panera Bread in Richmond.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk.
about how I can help you get more of what you
want out of life.

Check out
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