Thursday, October 30, 2008

Improve your ROE

Here's number 8 on my list.

8. Accept that life isn’t always fair.

If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.

Check it out.

Improve your ROE

Number 9 on my list --

9. Think good thoughts about yourself.

Check the voice in your head. As a little person you were conditioned to say more negative things than positive things about yourself. Now that you are grown up you can change the ratio to more good than bad words during the day.

Here is some nonsense that works.

Start the morning by looking in the mirror and saying out-loud, while smiling...
I like myself
I like myself
I like myself
I like myself
I like myself

Periodically through out the day stop and say inside your head...
I like myself
I like myself
I like myself
I like myself
I like myself

Do this for two weeks and you will be well on your way to thinking more good thoughts about yourself.

Thoughts create feelings, so guess what? Good thoughts create good feelings.