Sunday, December 27, 2009


Few things possess more Power than a Thought.

Because a Thought has the potential
to be become something significant.
To solve something meaningful.
And to inspire us to achieve great things.

What makes a Thought so powerful
is that it can be created by anybody.
At any time.
From anywhere.

That's why Thinking should be encouraged
and nutured in all its forms.
No matter how small.
Or how impossibly grand.

Because whenever Thinking happens,
Big ideas follow.
Minds become enlightened.
Knowledge grows.
And people discover new ways to unlock their

So start Thinking.

Qatar Foundation

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Interesting stuff to ponder.

Dysfunction In The Workplace?

Roxanne Emmerich, author of the best seller Thank God It’s Monday , just reported the latest research about dysfunction in the workplace.

1. Over 91% of people spend a huge chunk of their day frustrated by their coworkers’ dysfunctional behavior and think regularly about quitting their job.
2. Managers waste about 37% or more of their day dealing with dysfunctional behavior.
3. One out of every three payroll dollars is lost for good due to disengaged employees.
Makes you stop and think about how successful we could all be if we replaced dysfunctional behaviors with passion and creativity.

Is God Inside The Brain Or Outside?

Barbara Bradley Hagerty, religious correspondent for NPR, recently wrote about a woman who had brain surgery. Besides being under during the surgery, all the blood was drained from her brain in order to do the procedure. When she was conscious again, she was able to describe the operating theatre, who was there, the surgical tools that were used and even the exact conversations between the staff.

All of this raises questions as to whether consciousness is inside the brain or is it somehow being transmitted to us. Are we similar to a radio receiver tuning in to the signals being sent to us?
(Reported USA Today June 22, 2009)
A quote from Anonymous.
"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, Not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.”
What say you?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Relax - Breathe!

Breathing 4-6-8

Do you want to reduce stress? It can require a number of time-consuming adjustments such as improving self care and diet, exercising more, balancing work and family activities, and addressing interpersonal conflicts.

However, there is an easy exercise, almost like pushing a button, that is guaranteed to instantly reduce your stress and make you more relaxed in moments: Breathing 4-6-8.

Breathing 4-6-8 involves inhaling through the nose for four seconds, holding your breath for six seconds, exhaling through your mouth for eight seconds, and repeating that process two more times without a pause.

Some tips and warnings:

Practice Breathing 4-6-8 whenever you feel especially stressed
Practice 2-3 times a day for regular maintenance, to reduce your overall stress level
Practice Breathing 4-6-8 at most four times a day, and no more frequently than every two hours
Using this technique too often can cause you to become excessively relaxed or cause blood pressure to drop too low
Excessive practice can also diminish the relaxation effect of the technique

Try it, you’ll like it.

Practice with an instructor
Click this link to listen to an audio/mp3 file guiding you through this technique

Make it a gr8 day with 4-6-8!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Listening better

I never learned much in school about being a good listener. And yet , I have to practice it all the time as a personal development and business coach.

Here's what I do...

First, I put up my ears, then I put my tongue between my teeth and do what Andrew Weiss advises for deep listneing:

Be present. Give the other person your complete attention Be aware of what is happening inside you.

• Be open. Put aside all your assumptions about who this person is and try to listen to who they are right now. Ask questions that convey your deep concern.

• Stay aware of your emotions. Notice what happens to you when you are hearing something you find difficult or painful. Often someone's issues will deeply touch our own. We need to recognize those feelings, breathe deeply, and release those feelings in order to continue listening with attention.

• Make space. If emotions run too high, ask for a short break. This may be painful for the other person, but tell them you will be a better listener if you take some time to let your own emotions drain out and do something to feed your compassion and love.

Listen first and talk second is good for relationhips.

And that's no nonsense...

Make lots of gr8 days.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Finish Strong

Go for it!!

There is one thing that we all have in common. That some point in our life, we will face adversity. It's not a matter of if but...when.

My BS (Belief System) is that the difference in our success or failure is not change, but choice. Because when adversity strikes, it's not what happens that will determine our destiny; it's how we react to what happens.

Click on this 3 minute inspirational movie. So just sit back, turn up your speakers and enjoy.

Go for the gold. Make lots of gr8 days.

"The reality of life is that your perceptions -- right or wrong -- influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place."~ Roger Birkman"

Monday, July 27, 2009

On Being Positive...

Why is a positive and proactive attitude so important? Because it actually changes our physiology... causing our bodies to heal themselves!

What’ca think?

A recent article entitled "Mind Over Matter” appearing in a publication called "Health Features" reported…

"Positive thoughts can be as effective as drugs in beating diseases. Studies show preventive medicine may soon be more than just monitoring your vegetable intake and exercise levels, and include how many negative thoughts go through your head in a day.

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that a patient's beliefs and hopes affect their prognosis.

One of the major contributors to maintaining health and removing disease is the attitude of the patient, says Professor Oakley Ray, a psychologist from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee.

He reviewed one hundred years of research on psychology and disease for a paper published in American Psychiatrist and concluded that WORDS can have the same effect as DRUGS; thinking optimistically can change your whole biology.

Ray quotes a wide range of evidence including various studies linking mind set to heart disease. One such study from the Harvard School of Public Health established that optimism lowers the risk of heart disease in older men while pessimism and hopelessness increase it. There is strong evidence that patients with heart disease who feel hopeless about their condition do worse.”

It has always appeared to me that people with a positive attitude (and equally positive self-talk) were significantly more successful, well-balanced and effective than people who go through life with a negative, self-defeating attitude.

The bottom line is, while positive WORDS may not be a miracle drug... what if they are and you refuse to accept the miracle?!!!

If for no other reason, find a way to inject POSITIVE words into your life each day, and maybe MIRACLES will find there way into your life as well!

Go Miracles!
Picture - Butch from Our Gang - The original Little Rascals movie.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Miracles - Anyone?

You don't need an explanation for everything.

Recognize that there are such things as miracles, events for which there are no explanations. Later, knowledge may explain those events away.

The fact that you plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return are common miracles.

Your duty to yourself is to believe that for which you have sufficient evidence, and to suspend your judgement when you have not.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Some things have to be believed to be seen. Vision is the art of seeing invisible things.

© Copyright 2008 Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The secret of life

Here are some comments from Coach Bob Tschannen-Moran*.

What’s the secret of life?

I think it has to do with connection, generosity, and joy. The more focused we become on self-protection the harder it is to experience laughter, love, and luxury. It may be tempting in these difficult economic times to hunker down with a wary-and-weary mentality, but we do so at our peril. Not only does this cut us off from that which makes life worth living, it also endangers the well-being of us all. So don't let that happen. Reach out and touch someone. Be extravagant with your generosity. Take time to notice the little things in life. Find ways to celebrate the wonder of it all.

What do you think?
How's this for an explanation of the human life span. (Author unknown)
A silly story.

On the first day, God created dog and said: "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years." Dog said: "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"

So God agreed.

On the second day, God created monkey and said: "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span." Monkey said: "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like Dog did?"

And God agreed.

On the third day, God created cow and said: "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years." Cow said: "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"

And God agreed again.

On the fourth day, God created human and said: "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years." But human said: "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty that cow gave back, the ten that monkey gave back, and the ten that dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"

"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."

So that is why for our first twenty years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

We humans do, indeed, go through many phases although not in such a linear fashion.

Here's to more monkey tricks and less barking at every age!

*Bob Tschannen-Moran, IAC-CC, CWC, is President of LifeTrek Coaching International

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fire Engine Red

The fire engine has a ladder...Ladder has steps.
Steps are a foot and is measured by a ruler.
A ruler can be a King or queen.
Elizabeth was a queen of England.
Elizabeth was also name of the ship.
Ship floats on water.
Water has fish.Fishes have fins.
Fins are people of Finland.
The national flag of Finland is red, so fire engine is red.

Now you know. Tell all your friends. Go for it!
Make lots of great days.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Being a better YOU.

You - You - You - You - You

Begin your day by choosing to be a Better You.

Choose ENERGETIC instead of permitting yourself to become run-down and burned-out.
Choose PASSIONATE instead of permitting yourself to become apathetic and indifferent.
Choose ENTHUSIASTIC instead of permitting yourself to become half-hearted and discouraged.
Choose SELF-DIRECTED instead of permitting yourself to become directionless and uncertain.
Choose PREPARED instead of permitting yourself to become shortsighted and reactive.
FOCUSED instead of permitting yourself to become scattered and impulsive.
Choose SUPPORTIVE instead of permitting yourself to become critical and judgmental.
Choose SYSTEMATIC instead of permitting yourself to become haphazard and disorganized.
Choose TIMELY instead of permitting yourself to become distracted and preoccupied.
Choose PROACTIVE instead of permitting yourself to become procrastinating and hesitant.


When Was The Last Time You Had Any Fun? One great way to cultivate an energetic attitude is to be sure you enjoy what you do. Look for things that are fun to do, and find new ways to have fun at what you're already doing.

Smile and laugh as much as possible. Instead of lunch, why not go to recess?

"An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?" Michel De Saint-Pierre

Saturday, June 6, 2009


A beautiful reflection

A Poem by Portia Nelson shared with me by Stephanie Kirksey:

1) I walk down the street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
I fall in.....
I am lost —
I am helpless.....
It isn't my fault.....
It takes forever to find a way out.

2) I walk down the same street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.....
I pretend I don't see it.....
I fall in again.....
I can't believe I'm in the same place.....
But it isn't my fault.....
It still takes a long time to get out.

3) I walk down the same street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
I see it is there.....
I still fall in — it's a habit....
My eyes are open....
I know where I am....
It is MY fault.....
I get out immediately.

4) I walk down the same street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
I walk around it.

5) I walk down a DIFFERENT street.


"When I change how I look at things, the things I look at change."

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Be a better you.
Improve your communication with another person.

A few tips from Linda Talley, "The Body Language Expert" to use at home or at the office.

So simple to do. No energy needed.

1. Instead of talking to another person using “hitler” hands, turn them around with palms facing up. This is less threatening and indicates a desire for “coming together” in community. People will tend to be more open with you during discussions or giving feedback.
2. If you’re sitting down, instead of leaning back in your chair, lean towards the other person. This shows interest and empathy.
3. Move your chair so that you’re sitting at a 45 degree angle to the other person vs the confrontational position where you are directly across/in front of them. This helps the other person relax by taking pressure off the conversation.
4. Keep your legs and arms uncrossed. Many people tell me it’s just comfortable for them to sit with their legs or arms crossed and my response is: “Yes, but what does it make the other person feel like?”
5. Refuse to walk and talk about business. It’s a waste of time anyway because neither one of you are listening to what is being said. You are watching the other person’s movement. When you really want to understand the other person, stand still, in an open, positive position and talk or listen.

When you make the other person comfortable, they will relax, exhale and you will learn a lot more about them.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

PAC remembered

Wilder Penfield’s (a Canadian Brain surgeon) 1950s studies revealing that the brain records everything that comes into our conscious awareness is verified by current neuroscience studies using fRMI. This translates to me as a reason to relook and update my thinking about Eric Berne’s model of Parent, Adult, and Child as a tool to help other people get more of what they want out of life.

Remember Berne’s theory is called Transactional Analysis.

Transactional Analysis (or TA as it is often called) is a model of people and relationships that was developed during the 1960s by Dr. Eric Berne. It is based on two notions: first that we have three parts or 'ego-states' to our 'personality. The other assumption is that these converse with one another in 'transactions' (hence the name).
Parent, Adult and Child

We each have internal models of parents, children and also adults, and we play these roles with one another in our relationships. We even do it with ourselves, in our internal conversations.


There are two forms of Parent we can play.
The Nurturing Parent is caring and concerned and often may appear as a mother-figure (though men can play it too). They seek to keep the Child safe and offer unconditional love, calming them when they are troubled.
The Controlling (or Critical) Parent, on the other hand, tries to make the Child do as the parent wants them to do, perhaps transferring values or beliefs or helping the Child to understand and live in society. They may also have negative intent, using the Child as a whipping-boy or worse.

the Adult in us is the 'grown up' rational person who talks reasonably and assertively, neither trying to control nor reacting. The Adult is comfortable with themselves and is, for many of us, our 'ideal self'.

There are three types of Child we can play.
The Natural Child is largely un-self-aware and is characterized by the non-speech noises they make (yahoo, etc.). They like playing and are open and vulnerable.
The cutely-named Little Professor is the curious and exploring Child who is always trying out new stuff (often much to their Controlling Parent's annoyance). Together with the Natural Child they make up the Free Child.
The Adaptive Child reacts to the world around them, either changing themselves to fit in or rebelling against the forces they feel.

Want to refresh or know more about TA --check out

Saturday, April 25, 2009

GTD Methodology

The task we all have in today’s world is finding better ways to work and live. David Allen’s GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology will help do just that.

Don’t believe me. Check him out. It’s as easy as 1,2,3.

Step 1.
Listening to his promo alone will deliver you at least one tip you will be able to use in getting things done.

Step 2.
Plan 45 minutes to listen and look at this seminar on YouTube.

Step 3.
Go to Amazon and buy his book for just $9.12.

I know! You just don’t have time.

Wrong, you just don’t want to make time to change the way you do things to make you more efficient, effective and productive.

Plan your work to include David Allen in a time spot this week and then work your plan.

Make every day a gr8 day.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The voice in your head.

Do you talk to yourself?

Did you know the human brain averages 65,000 thoughts a day.

And most people have the same 65,000 thoughts the next day. Here's something else to chew on. Brain scientists determined there is a portion of our brain called the "Reticular Activating System". It's a fancy term for software in our head which focuses our attention on what you ask it to.

Example: Quickly look around you and count how many blue objects you can see. Without looking again tell many red objects did you see? My guess is you counted the blue...and you drew a blank with the reds.

This is an experiment that helps prove if someone is focused on failure...the brain starts showing them more failure. So if people aren't changing their thoughts...their brain is pulling them towards the same thing day in and day out. A big success secret is learning how to control your thoughts.

Manage the little voice in your head with positives.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Social Intelligence

Being a better You by increasing your Self-Management.

Self-management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions to actively choose what you say and do.
1. Breathe Right
2. Create an Emotion vs. Reason List
3. Make Your Goals Public
4. Count to Ten
5. Sleep On It
6. Talk To a Skilled Self-Manager
7. Smile and Laugh More
8. Set Aside Some Time in Your Day for Problem
9. Take Control of Your Self-Talk
10. Visualize Yourself Succeeding
11. Clean Up Your Sleep Hygiene
12. Focus Your Attention on Your Freedoms Rather than
Your Limitations
13. Stay Synchronized
14. Speak to Someone Who is Not Emotionally Invested
in Your Problem
15. Learn a Valuable Lesson from Everyone You
16. Put a Mental Recharge into Your Schedule
17. Accept That Change is Just around the Corner
Go on and do it!
Be a better you.
I can help -

Monday, April 13, 2009

Highly Successful People


This is a great list created by LifeHack, of qualities that successful people have, which have been noted in many books on the subject:

They look for and find opportunities where others see nothing.

They find lessons while others only see problems.

They are solution focused.

They don't blame, & take complete responsibility for their actions and outcomes.

They always find a way to maximize their potential & use what they have effectively.

They are busy, productive and proactive.

They align themselves with like-minded people.

They are ambitious.

They have clarity and certainty about what they want.

They innovate instead of imitate.

They don't procrastinate.

They are life-long learners.

Their career is not their identity, it's their job.

They are more interested in what is effective than in what is easy.

They finish what they start.

They know how to relax, enjoy what they have in their life & to have fun.

How do your habits match up with these habits?

Do you need a coach to help you with building new habits?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Staying Up When the World is Down

Ten tips

Here are 10 tips to get you started:

1. Incline Your Mind Toward Joy.
Have you noticed that your mind tends to register the negative events in your life more than the positive? Reverse this by consciously savoring the positive experiences you have as they happen. Let the good feelings sink in!

2. Lighten Your Load.
To make a habit of letting go of worries and negative thoughts, start by letting go on the physical level. Cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien recommends giving or throwing away 27 items a day for nine days. This deceptively simple practice will help you break attachments that no longer serve you.

3. Get Your "Happiness Rest."
One sure-fire way to boost your happiness level is to go to bed by 10 p.m. for three consecutive nights. You'll find that the world is a different place when you're rested and fresh.

4. Become an Inverse Paranoid.
Choose to believe that this is a friendly universe—one that's out to support you, rather than out to get you. When you find yourself facing a challenging situation, ask yourself, "If this were happening for a higher purpose, what would it be?"

5. Hang with the Happy.
Study after study indicates that happiness is contagious! Spend as much time as possible with people who are supportive and upbeat to amplify those qualities in your own life.

6. Don't Believe Everything You Think.
Interrupt the downward spiral of worry and anxiety by questioning your negative thoughts. Just because you think something doesn't make it true.

7. Seek Out Silence.
Prayer, meditation, and being in nature have long been recognized as ways to access a deep place of peace and strength inside.
8. Move Your Body.
All the experts agree that some form of exercise is essential for maintaining optimal well-being. The next time you start to feel glum, get your blood moving faster-even if it's just by standing up and moving around while you talk on the phone, or parking farther away from your destination.

9. Ground Yourself in Gratitude.
Research shows that thinking of the things you're grateful for in life definitely raises your happiness level. Writing them down is even more powerful. So start a gratitude journal today.

10. Wish Others Well.
Try "beaming love" to people—your friends and family, as well as strangers you pass on the street. It fills your own heart in the process.
Marci Shmoff

Can you name all ten tips. If not read again.
Change your thoughts and you change you life.

Monday, March 30, 2009

New offering by James McIntosh

"Coaching the Executive for Ongoing Success"

A guided process based on »Crossing The Nonsense Divide: Steps to Finding Your Path to a Successful Life«« and »Make the Nonsense at Work Work for You.

Explanations on website:
1. The power of 'why'.
2. Why use an executive coach?
3. What is the role of the executive coach?
4. So what is the aim of the executive coach?
5. What should you look for in an executive coach?
6. Am I experienced, skilled and inclined?
7. How does the process work?
8. How much does it cost?

Book Your Free Evaluation Session

804 754 0195 or email


Also, Coaching available for everybody on...

"Getting Beyond Stuck"

Are you feeling stuck? Then this is for you.

It is a guided process, based on the book by James Henry McIntosh: Crossing The Nonsense Divide: Steps to Finding Your Path to a Successful Life.

Check it Out -

Brought to you by Wilson Motivational Enterprises.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here's the link to my Nonsense slideshare... - check it out.

Monday, March 2, 2009

President Obama please read...

...out-loud to Secretary Clinton.

Go slowly...

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
~~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005 ~~~~~
I don't have the solutions to our Country's problems but I sure wish our answers would take into account the above statement.
God Bless America.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TED Who?

Do you know TED?

If you don't know TED you are missing a real treat.
TED is a collection of videos from conferences featuring some of the most famous, inspiring, educational and brilliant minds of our times.

Go directly to one of the best talks and you will want to can keep going from there.
Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuro-scientist discussing her stroke and how it changed her life

It will only takes 20 minutes to change your world.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Survive and Thrive on Chaos

This is a neat article from

The most effective people in the new century will be those who thrive in a world of chaos. They do not believe the world is actually "chaotic" because the laws of cause-and-effect still apply. You still get results based on intelligent action and focused effort. But they understand we live in a world that "seems" chaotic and they thrive on it.

Peak performers in the 21st century will be comfortable with ambiguity. They know they will never have enough information. They know the rules are constantly changing, and yet they play "flat-out" because they expect to win. They know that action and calm, purposeful effort in the midst of the storm are still the keys to success.

In the midst of chaos, winners do not fall into over-whelm and dysfunction. They get things done. As the old cliché says, “When life gives them lemons, they make lemonade.”

Several things are necessary to thrive in the midst of chaos

1. Exceptional boundaries. Winners structure their own lives and refuse to get caught up in other people's drama. They know how to close their doors and ignore disruptions. They know where they are going and they tolerate few, if any, distractions.

2. Exceptional vision. They know their priorities and their desired outcomes. They know what they want and they can see, taste, smell and even touch their results in advance. They have goals rather than mere hopes or dreams.

3. Exceptional self-direction. Winners are in charge of their lives and chaos around them is merely someone else's drama swirling nearby. They maintain their inner calm. They are not easily lost or confused. They know their priorities and their direction, even when their flight is canceled.

4. Exceptional optimism. They see chaos as opportunity. Chaos "stirs the pot" and opens doors. Rather than annoying or frustrating them, they love it! On a wild and windy day, a rainbow may appear at any moment and they welcome it.

5. Exceptional Reserves. They take care of themselves. They eat well, rest often, save and invest wisely and when opportunity knocks, they are waiting to answer the door. They operate from strength and stability, while a chaotic world wreaks havoc on the competition.

Winners thrive on chaos. They'll see and seize opportunities, and they'll love the wild ride. In a world swirling with change and chaos, they invest in themselves and they get things done.

Be a winner - You’ll be fine in 2009.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nonsense-at-Work Newsletter

by James H. Mcintosh
Consultant, Writer, Coach and Speaker

February 2009

Cooperate to compete, or struggle easier

People are strange. We dominate the planet mainly because of our ability to work together and yet we compete with each other like crazy.

Our ability for premeditated team work has enabled us to expand our horizons beyond our wildest dreams. And as our reality has expanded to match our dreams we have increased our need to know where we fit in the scheme of things.

Here’s the really strange bit. Our sense of self-worth is mostly based on comparison with others. In other words, I measure myself against my neighbors and colleagues.

Sadly, what this often comes down to is that my success depends on your 'un-success'.

Here’s the real paradox: ‘I win if you lose’ but ‘we survive if we work together’.

We have survived and thrived as a species because we tend to resolve this paradox by finding meaning beyond the expense of our neighbors and colleagues. Please remember this as you compete your way out of this recession.

And while you’re cooperating to compete like crazy, remember this other bit of crazy. We don’t mind so much if bad things happen to us as long as the bad things happen to all of us.

You don’t believe me? Look around. Considering all the bad things happening at the moment, how many really unhappy faces do you see? How unhappy are you, really?

But if you were the only one struggling financially, the only one without a job, how would you feel?

Unfortunately, the opposite also happens. When others are successful, and we are not, we become resentful. Like lobsters. A man asked a fisherman carrying a bucket of lobsters, “Won’t the lobsters climb out?” “No”, replied the fisherman, “When one gets near the top, the others pull him back down.”

So be suspicious when politicians, or anyone else for that matter, tell you that ‘we’re all in this together’.

What if they’re wrong? I mean, what if there is an easier way to struggle?

Many of us were taught that life is a struggle. We heard adults say silly things like ‘no pain, no gain’ and ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again’.

You might be older now, but are you any wiser? Look around you. Nature has many examples showing the success of the easy way. Like rivers. Rivers don’t struggle to reach the sea, they simply find the easiest downward path, even if it means going in the ‘wrong’ direction now and then.

If at first you don’t succeed, don’t try and try again. Fail if you must, then try something else. Even if you must go in what seems to be the wrong direction for a time.

Above all, don’t program your mind with those silly sayings every time your success isn’t immediate. Do what nature does - if at first you don’t succeed, try something easier.

And if the thought of doing that swamps you with guilt? Then don’t go for ‘easy’. Go for ‘different’.

Do you need a speaker for one of your events? James is your man - check out and contact him.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Excitement of Discipline

"A Smart Thought."

The excitement of discipline.
Is this an oxymoron? Who cares? Go for it.

To be excited about discipline is the place to start when making any kind of change in your life. While motivation gets the change started it's discipline that gets it done.

Is the best you can do all you can do? The answer is No!

Suppose you fell to the floor right now and did as many push ups as you possibly could. Now let's say the best you could do is 5. You look at me and you say, "Hey Jim, 5 is the best I can do." And maybe it's true that 5 is the best you can do.

But is 5 all you can do? The answer is No! If you rest a little while you can do 5 more. and you rest a little more, you can do 5 more. How did you go from 5 to 15?

It's a miracle!

Did you know you can keep on doing that: Do a little, rest a little. Suddenly, you've gone from 5 to 25. How did that happen?

It's a miracle!

Would you believe: Discipline and a little rest built into your change plan will deliver you a miracle.

It's not the notes that make the music. It's the space between the notes that does the job. It's not stress that does you in. It's the lack of building a little recovery time in between that keeps you from being the best you can be.

As "Human's Doing" we have a major focus on end-results/accomplishments and fail to remember we are "Human Beings." Unlike machines we require mental, physical and spiritual maintenance time. It's well known by highly successful "Human Beings" that a disciplined/scheduled maintenance program in all three categories will let you be the best they can be as a "Human Doing.

"Working smarter and not harder will bring the most success - Go for it!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Six Myths of Coaching

The Real Jim Wilson

Would you like to be more successful?
Would you like to have more fun and love in your life?
Would you like to make more money?

As a business and personal development coach I find that many people have preconceived notions about the concept of “Coaching”. If you would like to hire a coach, the following “realities” about coaching will help you in the decision process.

Myth: Find a coach that has a similar personality to yours.
Reality: Coaching is about growth and commitment. Having someone of the same personality may limit your growth and development. Having a coach of a different personality style may offer a fresh perspective and force you to go outside your comfort zone to reach new potential.

Myth: Professional Coaching focuses strictly on your professional life.
Reality: You cannot totally separate your personal life from your work. A coach has to be ready to listen to any and all challenges. Coaching is about personal growth and development that can help people grow professionally.

Myth: You have the questions and your Coach has the answers.
Reality: Not always true. Many of the answers are inside you and a good coach will help you discover them. A coach needs to be a good listener first. He or she needs to correctly identify the areas of improvement and not always give advice or criticism.

Myth: Coaching is only for trouble or poor performing people.
Reality: The best coaching clients are the ones who have potential and are not reaching it or employees who have reached a stumbling block or plateau. It is much better to introduce coaching too early rather than too late.

Myth: You can’t change a person's personality. Therefore, coaching is limited in how far it can help.
Reality: True, you can’t necessarily change someone’s personality. However, coaching can give you a new awareness and new skills to help you change your behavior.

Check out

Let's meet. I'll buy you a cup of coffee and talk about how we can work together in a coaching relationship.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Universal Laws

Where are you in this world of hard times and recession? Take a look at these seven laws of the Universe and know "this too will pass".

1. The Law of Gender:
Every “seed” has a gestation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results. Believe this and watch your life change. Your goals will manifest in the perfect time. Know they will.

2. The Law of Cause and Effect:
What goes around, comes around. Whatever you send out into the universe comes back. Like causes produces like effects. Never worry about what you are going to get, concentrate on what you can give. Treat everyone with total respect. If you squeeze an orange you will get orange juice. Like causes always produce like effects.
3. The Law Of Relativity:
Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Practice relating your situation to something worse and yours will always look good. If you practice relating your situation to something better, yours will always look worse. Nothing is good or bad until you relate it to something.

4. The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation:
Energy moves into physical form. The image you hold in your mind most often, materializes in results in your life. What are you imagining? This is an actual law of the universe. Use it to your advantage.

5. The Law Of Polarity:
Everything has an opposite, Constantly look at the good in people and situations. Good ideas equals good vibrations! Always recognize the opposite, then pick what you want to concentrate on, remembering law #4.

6. The Law Of Vibration:
Everything vibrates, nothing rests. Conscious awareness of vibration is feeling. How do you feel? Your thoughts control your paradigms and your vibrations. When you are not feeling good, become aware of what you are thinking, then think of something pleasant. Remember again, law #4.

7. The Law Of Rhythm:
This too shall pass. Some of the things the Law of Rhythm affects is the tide that goes out and comes back -- night follows day -- there is good in everything and there is bad. Don't feel the bad in the downswing without realizing that good times are coming. Remember again, law #4.

Read and study these seven Universal Laws.

Make a lot of great days in 2009.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Some nonsense.

Why did Albert Einstein say...

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it"?
What did he mean?

It seems to me that the only way to make all your problems disappear is to transcend them.

Now all I need to know is how to transend them.

Can you help?

Keyboard me...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Out, Out Damn Procrastination

Welcome to 2009!

Here's a "Round Tuit" - Just use it and print out the 10 Ideas and work on each one as listed!

10 ideas to put into practice.

1. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Break larger projects into manageable "bites" and create a timeline for you to accomplish these smaller tasks.

2. Remember that each project expands to the time allotted to it, so set a limit for yourself: "I am going to return all my phone calls in one hour." "I will file papers for 30minutes." "I will spend 15 minutes picking up around the house." Set a timer. You will be amazed how much you can get done when you focus your time.

3. Check your self-talk. Do you frequently say, "I gotta...," "I should...," or "I have to..."? Replace this self-talk with "I choose to..." and recognize that you are at choice about what you do. If you don't choose to do it, don't do it!

4. Eat a live toad first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Worth a look at Brian Tracey's ideas --
Tackle that "toad"-the task you have been putting off, the one that is hanging over your head-because it will lift an immense load and you will feel much more productive.

5.Train yourself to trim the F.A.T. When papers come into your office or home, give yourself these three choices: File, Act, Toss. (Note that "I'll just put it here for now "is not one of the choices.)

6. Relieve yourself of the stress caused by all of the clutter in your home and office by setting up some systems to manage the paper in your life. A good filing system and a tickler file system are essential elements.

7. Make a weekly appointment with yourself to plan your coming week. During your planning session, schedule important activities and tasks so you have a concrete plan for following through with your intentions.

8. When planning your time, include both urgent (time-sensitive) and non-urgent but important activities in your plan. An example of an urgent activity might be a meeting or a project with an upcoming deadline. A non-urgent activity might be exercise or relationship-building-something important but not time-sensitive or deadline-driven.

9. Make appointments with yourself to get administrative work done, such as paying bills or catching up with your reading. Treat this time as you would an appointment with someone else.

10. Take 15 minutes at the end of each day to put things away and look at the calendar for the next day. Gather what you need ahead of time so you will be prepared for tomorrow.

Go for the gold.

Make lots of great days in 2009.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's up to me in 2009

Q ...
In 2009 -
Do you want to be more successful?
Do you want to have more fun and love?
Do you want to make more money?
A ...
If you want to change or improve anything in your life, you must begin by changing the inner aspects of your mind.

Most people think that the problems in their lives are caused by other people and external circumstances. They are shocked and angered to be told that they are the primary architects of everything that happens to them.

They want others to change. They want the world to change. But they do not want to change themselves.

You can control only one thing in the world, and that is the way you think. However, when you take complete control over your thinking, you take control over all the other aspects of your life.

By thinking and talking only about what you want, and by refusing to think or talk about what you don't want, you can design your future success.

If you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life. The only way to improve the quality of your life is to transform the quality of your perceptions.

Are you (no)where or are you (now)here?

Since there is no limit to how much better you can think, there is no real limit to how much better your life can be.

"If it's to be, it's up to me!
To be more successful.
To have more fun and love in my life.
To make more money."