Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Improve your ROE

Here is number 3 on my list.

3. Say Thank You

Hello! How will this increase my ROE?

Here's a just do it and find out exercise:
  1. Tomorrow count the number of times you say "thank you".

  2. The next day double the number times you say "thank you" from the day before.

  3. The next day double the number of times you say thank you" from the day before.

  4. By the fourth day you will be a NICER different person.

The people around you will notice a more pleasant you but won't know why.

Research shows that, people who are encouraged to express gratitude report feeling happier, more excited and joyful, and even have fewer headaches and colds.
—"Counting blessings vs. burdens: Experimental studies of gratitude and subjective wellbeing in daily life," by R.A. Emmons and M.E. McCullough (2003).

Thank you for reading this blog.

ROE = Return On Energy

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