statements that help you identify if you are a Leader.
It has been said that the unexamined life is not worth living. Unfortunately we are often too busy to take the time for self-examination. As a result we sometimes don't realize that we are still acting as managers and not leaders in this fast changing world of work.
Where are you in relation to this Top 10 list of statements regarding a leader?
You are a Leader if:
1. You visit your Chiropractor once month to keep your spine flexible.
2. You treat everyone as a winner knowing some folks need more help at winning than others.
3. You predict the future by designing it.
4. You assign your good people to the opportunities and not the problems.
5. You don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, you jog down there and turn it on.
6. You dig a well before you are thirsty.
7. You believe that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
8. You don't let yesterday use up too much of today because if you do, your tomorrow will be lousy.
9. You would rather be a Coach than a BOSS.
10. You get the job done through people and in the process develop them.
How did you do?
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